It is our pleasure, to help spread knowledge about the Native American culture to the general public. The turquoise from the New Mexico Turquoise mine is top grade and some looks close to the best old Morenci that was on the market. The Hachita Mountains (Little Hatchet) holds evidence of prehistoric attempts to recover the coveted "sky stone". Mexico covers 1,972,550 square kilometers (761,610 sq mi), making it the world's . The Otteson family mines turquoise a few times a year and does all the fine processing. gained even greater prominence. earth and containing all the power, strength, and beauty found therein. Morenci has an unusual matrix of irregular black pyrite that, when polished, often looks like silver. Cerrillos Cerrillos is not only an uncommon and unique form of native New Mexican turquoise, but has a history entwined with both ancient Native peoples of the Southwest and more recent American mining companies. | Contact, If you are interested in Turquoise, They did a nice job on my watch band repair. When youre choosing turquoise jewelry or turquoise for crafting, what if ( notice ) For example, a Teotihuacan mask that dates back as far as 300 A.D. has been unearthed. The matrix ranges from dark brown to a light golden color. Located in Southeastern New Mexico in Hidalgo County, N.M. SAN SIMON MINING DISTRICT. Due to gold acquisitions covering parts of the mine, Stennich is very hard to find today. Today it is valued for both its beauty and rarity. The Campitos mine has been in The matrix ranges from a black to a reddish brown, with moderate spiderwebbing. product_id: "", // Needed for TrustBoxPreview "landing" : "blog_post", } else { Located ten miles south of Santa Fe, it was the site of the largest prehistoric mining activity on the continent because the huge turquoise deposit was partially exposed at the surface. trustpilot_settings.sku =["sku"]; Damele Turquoise (Variscite) has intense spiderwebbing, Demele is usually a variscite, which people confuse with turquoise. Alltribes has been serving our valued customers for over 50 years, so you can rest assured that when you have a question or concern, we'll be right here, ready to help. In many ways, Kingman Blue has become synonymous with American turquoise. Sea Blue / Green Hachita Turquoise Rough; Good Hard-Rock Vein; Aztec Mine. The Turquoise from these mines very closely resembles the old material from the famous Arizona mines such as Sleeping Beauty, Castle Dome, and Morenci. Most noteworthy, the Tyrone turquoise in new turquoise jewelry is from private stashes. })(); The Morenci turquoise mine provides high return of beautiful blue color, which varies from light to very dark blue. The singular uniqueness of Cerrillos turquoise cannot be understated. The dark greens contrast will with the gold matrix and the lighter blues with the dark brown matrix. As mining progressed, it became clear that the ancient Natives had dug out many extensive tunnels in their search for Turquoise. The United States, China, Mexico, Iran, and Egypt are known for turquoise mining. High-grade stones are snapped up quickly by artists and collectors within China, so any Chinese turquoise found in the United States is going to be medium grade at best. In addition, the Damele mine produces lime green Turquoise, Faustite, and Variscite. Kingman Turquoise has been identified in over 30 colors! Chinese mines are productive, and much less restricted by regulations than their Western counterparts. Royston Turquoise is recognized for its dominantly green to lighter blue color range. Silver Company 2009. Cerrillos Turquoise 20 There are three different locations all called the same name, and each produced a great variety of turquoise, from intense blues to deep green combinations with a hard, irregularly distributed matrix. Many historians believe the stone was first introduced to Europeans through trade with the Persians. Blue turquoise, such as Kingman and Sleeping Beauty, is commonly found near deposits of copper. These stones are usually easy to identify and classify as being Bisbee. Miners carried tools and leather rock buckets on their backs as they climbed in and out of the shafts using notched logs as ladders. production since the 1980s. However, early mining in the claim was unorganized, haphazard and led to unsafe conditions, including unstable tunnels. Some rare high grade is naturally a super dark blue. This is one of the only New Mexico Turquoise Mines we have heard you can rock hound in. It is medium brilliant blue in its high grade form and has a brown host rock as pictured. The town sits at the base of the Little Hatchet Mountains, and the Turquoise Mountain, where the mines are located, is not far from Old Hachita. } Turquoise that is found in the same mine location generally has a similar appearance. the Sonoran Blue Jay, Sonoran Mountain, The Sierra Bella, and others. This matrix makes Morenci turquoise a prized and sought after stone for valuable Native jewelry pieces. occasionally turns up specimens of Spiderweb turquoise, a turquoise that It varies from a stunning light green to an amazing deep green. The Turquoise mines first set up in America were hand mined with primitive tools. On a rare occasion, this Turquoise has natural Gold Ore present. Most turquoise found in southwestern Nevada is a shade of green. In the rugged boot hills of southern New Mexico, this very rough and beautiful place full of endless hills of Century plants, lies the now defunct High Lonesome Turquoise Mine. The Dry Creek turquoise mine is located outside of Austin, Nevada. Today, many mines throughout the world remain active and produce highly prized stones of impeccable beauty and composition. Our Hometown Is Golden. It is the only turquoise that formed at the base of a volcano. All Rights Reserved. qualities of turquoise. The Toltec civilization is known to have traded turquoise Visa Debit It was first mined in the late 1950s and production ends in 1980. Everyone has opinions and that special piece from that special mine. We offer a wide variety of Native American Cultural Art including authentic Hopi Kachina dolls, pueblo pottery, Navajo Wool Rugs, hand-dyed leather belts, dreamcatchers, tomahawks and other Southwestern and Native American artifacts, to beautify your home and your life. Lone Mountain Turquoise is renowned for its ability to keep the same blue color intact, even after decades of wear and use. Some less scrupulous producers will also inject the resin with dyes, to make the stones colors more vibrant. window.addEventListener(event, initGA4, false); Campitos turquoise, you know youre getting turquoise, straight from the The mine also produces other shades of blue. The Native Americans, whose ancestors mined the mountains, led prospectors and treasure hunters to the site in the later part of the 19th century. This turquoise is exceedingly beautiful when set into sterling silver. Surprisingly, Bisbee Turquoise also comes in a beautiful green color. Have an idea for something new? Darryl Dean Begay uses Apache Blue Turquoise in many of his tufa cast designs. Congratulations! The Sleeping Beauty turquoise mine is located just outside the town of Globe, in southern Arizona. The bright medium blue color of Sleeping Beauty makes it very popular for cluster, needlepoint, and inlay artists. The Cerrillos turquoise mine (pronounced Sir-EE-ohs) is a very famous mine located in central New Mexico. It was originally a gold prospecting claim but was taken over by the turquoise mining Otteson family decades ago. Tyrone turquoise is part of the mineral band that starts east of Silver City and curves around through Arizona and the Morenci turquoise mine area into Mexico. Usually, this will take a blue stone to a light green color. If you love blue Turquoise, then you have probably heard of the Nacozari mine and it's Turquoise often called "Naco" or Nacozari Turquoise. The Kingman turquoise mine produces a relatively wide range of colors and matrix patterns. There may still be undescovered New Mexico Turquoise Mines in the Hachita Mountains. Most of this material was brought into the USA as chalk and then stabilized. Hachita, New Mexico. try { Variscite from Nevada typically contains black spiderwebbing in the matrix and is often confused with green turquoise. comes from the northern state of Sonora, which shares a border with The Tiffany Turquoise Mine was closed at the time of data entry with no known plans to re-open. At, youll learn more about mines from around the world and what kind of turquoise they produced. Miners then use powered hammers to remove turquoise-bearing stone from the Nevada earth. There are several other ways to decide a turquoise value, including a unique one-of-a-kind turquoise, size, its uses and everyones opinions. Thank you for educating us about this beautiful gemstone..MY personal favorite..!! to try and market the highend turquoise more than the stabilized material. nuggets. The district is known for its interesting historical ruins dating from prehistoric times to the early 1900's. The Mount Chalchihuitl turquoise area is a few miles north of Cerrillos; Turquoise Hill is 5 miles further north near the highway . One location is Campitos Mountain Dry Creek (Godbur Burnham) Turquoise This turquoise has been mined for centuries, starting with the ancient Pueblos in the 13th century. Cerrillos is not only an uncommon and unique form of native New Mexican turquoise, but has a history entwined with both ancient Native peoples of the Southwest and more recent American mining companies. Turquoise production ramped up in the 1890s, and by 1950 the Cerrillos mine was depleted. The Kingman Turquoise Mine is another well-known Arizona mine. | Mineral Testing, Home Stabilized turquoise is turquoise that has been These differences in Other white stones such as howlite, calcite, and magnesite were considered. here is famous around the world, know for its brilliant, very blue Royston Turquoise comes from the Royston mining district located just North of Tonopah, Nevada. The design and quality of our Silver and Turquoise jewelry are unmatched and stand far above the rest. That bright blue turquoise is usually associated with the stones mined by the Tiffany Company in the early 1900s. window.bodl = JSON.parse("{\"session\":{\"id\":\"ffd07c46-a935-4ad2-a1bc-40a604076634\",\"first_touch_timestamp\":\"2023-01-18T19:18:44\",\"first_touch_referral_url\":\"\",\"first_touch_request_url\":\"\"},\"shopper\":{\"visitor_id\":\"\",\"customer_id\":null,\"email\":null,\"first_name\":null,\"last_name\":null},\"data_consent\":{\"functional\":true,\"analytics\":true,\"advertising\":true},\"events\":[]}"); Campitos Turquoise Highly valued since ancient times, Stennich Turquoise A collector's stone, this historic Nevada mine is in Crescent Valley, Nevada. On of the greatest New Mexico Turquoise Mines. The Kingman turquoise mine has a long and productive history. However, turquoise is not available from that mining operation since the early 1980s when Phelps Dodge changes its method of copper ore processing to crushing and acid wash. As a result, this method destroys any turquoise in the copper ore. Spiderweb varieties of turquoise produced at It is likewise located in the Hachita Mining District, and was reportedly held by one owner over a period of some three decades. including the following: Jewelry Carico Lake turquoise comes from the location of its mines on a dried up lake bed in a high, cool area of Lander County, Nevada. The Easter Blue turquoise mine is a small claim located in southwestern Nevada. Apache Blue turquoise is a distinctive stone for many contemporary artists. res.json().then(function(jsonRes) { New Mexico The story of turquoise in America begins in New Mexico. C. Compare the production of a mine to the influence it has on the overall turquoise market. The matrix colors are usually a deep brown and black, with partial spiderwebbing. Definitely having us as customers for life! Green turquoise is usually found alongside aluminum or iron. Mexican Turquoise There are several turquoise mines in Mexico, but the best-known one is Campitos.'POST', ''); Tyrone turquoise is part of the mineral band that starts east of Silver City and curves around through Arizona and the Morenci turquoise mine area into Mexico. range in shades of light or medium blue to a vibrant blue-green. Not far from the Chalchihuitl turquoise mine in the Cerrillos are the remains of a small, 5-structure mining camp that has been tentatively dated 900 to 1140. Natural turquoise remains porous and may change color over time. Turquoise mines are generally located in the arid regions of the world, commonly in places that have been either altered by volcanic activity, or along side copper, zinc or gold mines. It didn't take long for the miners to pick up on references to the Turquoise Mountain, and probablly inquired with great interest where they acquired such Turquoise. I didn't expect much from the watch itself, but I knew the band would have lasting beauty. Luckily, many of the workers for the company would seize the turquoise at their own risk by picking it up themselves; sometimes even hauling the stones home in lunchboxes. The very best Mexican turquoise is every Bisbee turquoise is definitely one of the more sought after and highly collectible turquoise stones available today. Dry Creek (Godbur Burnham) Turquoise Turquoise has been used as an iconic gemstone in Chinese jewelry for centuries. Hachita Turquoise is usually light blue with a tan matrix. The Ancient Egyptians also mined the stone and used it to adorn the highest members of society. All are known as Kingman turquoise. Demele is usually a variscite, which people confuse with turquoise. In fact, this mine was very close to the Tyrone Turquoise Mine. xmlHttp.send('{"store_id":"46844","timezone_offset":"-8","timestamp":"2023-01-18T19:18:44.75910900Z","visit_id":"10794b6d-dd89-4b6c-9c33-3675c05a9da4","channel_id":1}'); All three of our limited editions"#8 Mine", "Spider Web Opal" and "Sunset Canyon" are simply the finest handcrafted native jewelry made. High Lonesome, the name painted on a watering tank, is quite appropriate- the land is very high and mostly lonesome. However, the color is so light that gem experts were initially skeptical that stones coming from this mine were actually turquoise. Burro District - Grant County - Azure Mine - Burro Chief Turquoise Mine - Lone Pine Turquoise Mine - Montezuma Turquoise Mine - Parker Turquoise Mine - Porterfield Mine - organized as the Occidental Oriental Turquoise Mining Co., 1902. get, and you deserve to at least get what you pay foractual turquoise Lots of possibilities for Turquoise jewelry. Hachita turquoise is from a group of mines near Old Hachita, Grant County, New Mexico. Most importantly, Royston Turquoise originally consisted of four old Turquoise claims located within the Royston mining district. Its clear, iridescent, spring green color is due to its zinc content and is highly unique and collectible. Much of the turquoise used by Chinese artists were imported from the Mongol and Turkic regions of central Asia. Since the stone was first discovered, it has been revered by civilizations some of which built entire industries on the back of turquoise stones. Number 8 Turquoise Enchantment Turquoise is one of the harder New Mexico Turquoise mines to get turquoise from. pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation,
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