i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it

He has all the signs of lying to, leaning away from me when I ask him about it, telling me that didnt happen, getting mad at me when I try talking about it, or just not saying anything when I talk about it. That why he would have all them girls on his skype. I know how hard it isbut staying in a marriage where you think your husband is lying to you is worse than the pain of leaving. he said no that is why we are going out this side door. He had to fix it, so he just told her he would get a room for her. Not only that, he risked your health too. We can travel the world together. There are also men that get continuously accused of cheating when they arent and that wife badgers him, controls him, goes through his phone and smothers him that guess what Honey you pushed him into another womans arms and now he looks like the bad guy. My guy went to a destination wedding with his family and there are photos of him consistently with a attractive blonde woman. As, the more you bottle up your feelings, the more likely you are to snap and have a breakdown which is far from what you need at the moment. It sounds like you and your husband are going through so much! ! I thought about just living with it, since I am over 50 yrs old .. but its not worth it. As humans, especially as women, we have a need to love and be loved. He said he emailed her afterward telling her I found the picture and they would not be contacting or emailing anymore. The pictures on her profile were all bikini pictures. I wanted to be the 80 year old couple that were madly in love, still holding hands in the nursing home in our wheel chairs. He said he loved me and he didnt want her, but I think it was because she was married with kids and I think if she hadnt have been he would have been off like a shot. The thing is that they will lie, deny and push you away. He is not behaving in any way that should gain your confidence. You might wonder why anyone would want to stay married to someone like that. I have since uncovered lots of other information which proves him and her are guilty as charged! these conversations are about how he wants to make them feel sexualy, where they are going ot meet, the one with my so called best friend says that he had gone there and that she was getting better at certin things. just leave him. Im not his mother. At least you don't have kids with this lying, non-remorseful, s.o.b. I pulled my husband aside and asked him to please just keep his distance. He said you heard me. 22/07/2017 19:18. Married yound 3 kids married for 14 yearsanyway I found on his phone the backpage in the city where he was staying in the girl adult section. Im not sure how to answer your question I dont know if your husband is lying about cheating! I dont buy the boss part, Im not a moron. Hi Stephanie- it seems to me that you really dont have a question for your husband; you seem certain that hes cheating. however when I filed for divorce everything turned against me. My sisters didnt even believe. I cant tell you if you should leave him, or if hes cheating. During these 2 years we were still fooling around. Not from him or the therapist. My wife had a roving eye despite the fact that Im hotter (both physically and emotionally) than anybody she ever cheated with. Ive caught him twice talking to another girl, One was an accident victim he saved in an accident he was first responder, and that conversation was only about meeting for lunch and him saying hell ask his boss for an extended lunch (never once has he ever offered that to me) this chick did have a boyfriend. So I have NEVER suspected my husband of cheating til recently. He gets angry, swears its a lie, and doesnt want to discuss it anymore. when slyly confronted about it he played it off like no big deal. My sister told me that she saw my husband with a classmate of mine 30 yrs ago. I believe that if you think your husband is cheating, then he probably is. Your marriage is sacred, and when your husband chooses to violate it, it leaves you feeling all kinds of emotions. It is called STENGTH and unfortunately muscles dont have anything to do with it. Hi, my husband has changed a lot. Since the beginning, I suffered through numerous emotion breakdowns. Also, its important to remember that you cant change your husband. But I am also terrified of investing more time and energy into someone who has let me down this early on in our relationship and risking getting hurt even more later. Has he been unfaithful? If you do, talk to him.try to ask him what he wants and needs. Different, young (mid 20s), easily disposable. Why I still love him I dont know, but I am at a loss. Wise words Heidi! But at the same time, how can I be overreacting? I will never have the answers to so many questions because my husband doesnt respect or value me enough after 20+ years of love and devotion, to give me any answers so I can have some kind of closure. we have been married for two years. Tells me as a VOLUNTEER FIREMAN & EMT, needs to respond to calls. That feels like someone cheated on you. Sexually he changed didnt pay me no attention I felt in my gut he was cheating but he assured me I was crazy my gut never lied in the past. For both men and women, personality characteristics and interpersonal factors are more relevant predictors than are religion, marital status, education or gender. I have had enough. He calls me during the day and seems to want to be with me every second. He is more interested in physical intimacy and makes love again in the tender fashion that he used to when we first met, exploring and caressing my body anew, rather than in the enjoyable but routine and habitual way that we had become used to. i have asked him in the past who women were calling his phone and he gets very defensive telling me i dont need to snoop through his phone, yet he gave it to me to use while mine is turned offhe doesnt want me in any way any more and it hurts3 children later and im not good enough anymore?what do i do? If they fail us, we go through life with an incorrect assessment of our own self worth . We had to live elsewhere due to no heat. They communicate through walkie talkie Bluetooth app or they video chat. We separated july of 2011 and we just got back together october 2012 and i just found out he has a five month old baby. Pls, help me and I need ur advise. Okay, he finally moved out. Everything I ever believed in has been smashed to pieces. In her book, she describes how to protect a marriage from lies and cheating. Look back and have a good reality check to see if he was ever there for you or everything what you have in your life was only because of you. You cant just let someone take advantage of you in that way. I am also having a hard time dropping the daily talks. Id love to chat with you privately if youre interested. Laurie, youre quite sharp. Find out whats wrongmy guess is you already know what issues are between you two. Required fields are marked *. He swears that they have no contact anymore and he wants to make it work with me. I respect privacy even at my expense. I also found other interesting searches. Im left sitting here for 3 or so months now feelin the fool and like Ive lost my mind. IMHO you have a responsibility for you. But because of his promise in front of lords, he swears to stop cheating on me again. My husband has been having an affair for over a year and a half. They text each other often she calls when him when he at work often. Well I posted a Meme on my snapchat saying its sad we live in a generation where a female will pass up on a single man just to pursue a married man bc she likes the way he treats his wife. When a man lies He is likely to cheat. I have done everything in the world that I can think of to make him happy, Im a complete mess. funny thing is that he was cheating on his ex with me when we got together. They even said he must be beating me for a reason. help me sarah. I ask myself if I leave him, will I find a better one? Affair Strategies for a "Long Game". I really resented the idea that she seemed to be placing herself of great importance and was really his Number One Girl and I was some kind of consolation prize. i wrote in my dairies that GOD PUNISH ME MORE WHEN YOU SEE ME WITH THAT MAN. !.Last night we had another fight and I relised that this is never going to change. He tells here is sorry and to please not tell me. I dont know what to think about your husbands behavior it does seem odd, thats for sure. He told me he secretly emailed an old friend for 4 weeks, but did not see her in person other than that one time. He has told me she asked numerous times to eat dinner but he said he needed to be home with me and family. I asked him and of course he lied. I stay with him because hes good to me despite him refusing sex during our rough patch. Either way, you may learn more about their relationship, which will help you move forward. I hope this can help anyone out there. I have asked him multiple times if I was what he really wanted and if I wasnt I would be okay with it. Or you may decide that the relationship is not worth risking your happiness and decide to find someone better. well i told him i did not want them talking theres no need for him to have pictures of another women in his phone. What do I do now? The past month or two he has been hanging out with his friends more and longer. I just need as many opinions I can get on whats going on.kind of makes me think its still going on because of how she said she was done and then changed her mind after he explained what happened and he couldnt help it. I went back to the bar where we were going to for karaoke. The risk is huge for a married couple not only emotionally and mentally but financially. Is there a way to confront him? You can recover honey. But he constantly lies to me and i know he does even when i catch him and he knows he has been caught he finds away to turn it around and make me look like the bad guy. Also his job has a bad reputation of people having affairs. I screamed at him why? That it must of been attached to a junk email he got. If you're in a romantic relationship with a narcissist . Life is too short. Im 25 with no children. So weve been trying to reconcile for almost 1.5years I forgave him for the cheating he said hed not do it again. ANY ADVISE!!!!!! And he thinks that its okay to cheat coz nobody is perfect. Ive thought of different techniques. Im glad for you that your spirit and soul has already told you what you need to do! I tried to do that however; I found myself getting depressed, moody and becoming someone I refuse to be. I do not know this other woman other than to meet her for 10 minutes when I walked into my husbands hospital room 4 months ago and she, along with 3 other young women were in there. Say hes no hooked, and it doesnt appear that he is craving the drug, but 2 things scare me. She didnt want sex anymore and her medication became her real love. Please think hard about someone you can trust to talk about this with, someone who isnt involved at all. Krizen, you have a few problems here. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. Im glad it helped you, and hope it helps others who might be in the same situation. It can do two things: Make him nervous and cause him to burp the truth. Its a terrible thing, to find out your husband has been cheating and lying. I never forgot his birthday. I told him it didn't have to be over if he cheated on me, we'd just would need to see a counselor and see what would happen. He walked to his vehicle and left the parking lot and I proceeded into the store. This is because, while he was in the University, he had a female classmate that he was always walking around with. There is hope. She cuts conversations short and shows no intrest in me what so ever. I dont know what to do , im a stay at home mom of 3 young children, I need to make the right decision for me and for them. His classmates referred to them as couples. U dont mention u have any children. You will have to leave sooner or later, it might as well be now. So, I can only hope that my story is either consolation during your trying time or its food-for-thought during your careful consideration on staying married. Its been 3 weeks since hes called as per our phone records, but whos to say he hasnt called from another phone. Dont trust what he says. may not make for the most romantic conversation, but it's better than one day telling your partner you cheated when they'd rather you kept it to yourself, or vice versa. I believe most women genetically have a strong ability to remain with one lover for life with out question. WHY??? that many? Unless he was willing to help me repair it. If your partner uses simplistic language and few self-referential words to excuse their absences, there is an increased likelihood they are cheating. You just dont have any solid proof, but you know something is going on. Thats what he does. Now, I am also in a change of life situation. But would i know i was sleeping the whole time this happened and who knows what happened or for how long he was gone for. 1) About three months ago, after I got out of the shower, my husband said I was ugly with a towel on my head and demanded I take the towel off immendiately. I decided to forgive him and he decided to deactivate his Facebook. It hurts me to read everyones storiesbut I have to say, it did help knowing there are others, like myself, that are going through very similar situations. He admitted to me that he asked her out on a date, but she refused to call it a date, so it was merely just friends. I know that my husband cheated on his 1st wife. SO MY VERDICT IS..NOANGER IS NOT A SIGN OF CHEATINGITS A SIGN OF IVE HAD IT!!!!!!!!!!! so after all of that we worked out our differences and he moved in with me and my parents house everything was going great then bout 3months of everything going great i found out that he was going to see his other baby mama behind my back we fight argue he leaves for a week and then he comes back and everythings good for a month or so then i find out he is still lying to me about talking to his other baby mama and lying to me about doing pills and how much money he has and what he spent it on jus this last week so he kept asking me if i wanted him to leave and i told him to do what he wanted he is a big boy and guess what he packed his stuff and left now he keeps txting me saying he needs me he loves me he dont kno why he left i jus dont kno what to do i have 2 kids and i kno its not good for them to see us fightin i mean only one of my kids is his but still i dont kno what to do ne more. How often do you two make love? NoLoveLost1992 1 mo. Together for about seven years. I actually believed him whenever he blamed me for things that were truly his fault! He was emotionally and physically abusive as well as sexually (to me not our daughter) He constantly cheated on me throughout my pregnancy up until my girl was 2 and I finally left him. So if he's thinking it's better to deny 'til you die, here are 10 signs he cheated even if he won't admit it. You give me hope Chad. Its one of the worst betrayals cheating and it is extremely difficult to move on afterward. I have been married for 3yrs now, i love my husband so much dat i can even kill any woman dat come close 2 him. Its like someone took something from me. I hurt and want to get away from him. That is neither respect, love or caring that they are showing to you when they do this, it is a selfish, self pitying behaviour no matter how anyone sugar coats it. That time, I mean we just started dating and he met both of at the same time, so I guess he was choosing. We have 2 children together which are now teens. It might seem obvious, but before you phone up that divorce lawyer, youre going to want to make sure that you have a cheating partner. He now works about 2 hours away from home and doesnt even stay home most of the time. I feel like he is leading a dual life like having two families. since then i been angry and just disgusted and just dont believr ever anymore he snaps at just about everything know i knoe pot does that controols the mind and stuff but omg and he changes his mind like 5 times in oneday with many things so i also think he has bypolar he alots of signs of it well know im a pretty lady a nd love to excersice so look pretty he hates anyone talk to me but i know it cause he can talk to anyone freely but not me my whole life was oneway jay so no im not asking how to handle this i know im crazy to leave right i know but he needs help or just leave im not the kids but no he wont leave i tell him i cant take it anymore well today i broke into his facebook and put more links gether but i do my research very well and when it presented lol im a physcic funny another lady said it too know when u look u find but yes ur mind can can just put other crazy imagainations well i been angry for a long time taht for years when we fight i dont care man years ago when i sure didnt know anything i was like nono dont leave me know wtf im lkike omg but right kno cause i saw facebook and the contacts that match his recent phone he had that lied and a bill was sent to his grandfather saying his cousin gave it to him no im not neive i dotn fall for nothing and he knows for years I h have been knumb well right know i justi can die i just cant anymore but my boys i love my boys they are so smart i dont want to go to work tomorrow know i been strong a long times for years casue other day he said patty i love u blah but yes he mite but me im a good girl i dont have freinds im home for my boys we do stuff but as a family we dont maybe 5 times a year or sothing likekid b day or they got honors but it never fun he yells at us i know it the pot in his brain cause one second nice then snaps then jums to sothing else or the bypolar thing i think he has my kids said it once too they noitce it and i dont disrespect there father to the kids please if they new anything like that omg no words for that. Hello ladies, whatever you do, think, feel or say, give yourself a moment to realize whats important in the grand scheme of things., and thats for you to stay emotionally strong and healthy. I cant even tell if hes lying because hes good at conceiving people. I loved him I wanted us to be okay. I dont know if it is my insecurities and the fact that I need to be told how much Im needed regularly, (I have always had doubts and insecurities to these extremes) but I worry that I am just convenant to be with. he also told me she did say he likes him but continues this. Is he cheating when you find blatant signs? Most guys will cheat during business hours when theyre away so your PI can follow him to and from work. Which is a very reasonable thing to do, however, you shouldnt just take him back without setting up some boundaries. Nothing happened but still, I count that as cheating. After few months passed i heard the mother of his 2 children is pregnant for him. Gone for over 10vdays. Find someone you trust, and talk through your options. That is the true loss in my story. Need Ladies and men insight. I found his Google Voice activity. Get a New job or hobby and he will see you are not thinking about him. He put other people first. And, even if you justified that and counted all the wonderful things about this guy and pointed out the amazing loss of a potentially wonderful friendship with him, you still identify the loss of his friendship as a risk. So is this the reason you are asking women who have suffered financial loss, emotional pain beyond words because you want to be sure to get a different perspective from women who have suffered so you can prevent yourself from making a mistake and taking an unnecessary risk? Confrontation has two goals - the truth itself and . My prayer for you is for wisdom and clarity. I was able to hear how far the relationship had gone. You dont need to find evidence to make it 100% certifiable. My husband would get extremely angry if I suggested he was having an affair. I was wondering if I should just leave him now or wait until I have concrete evidence? 1: Make Sure He's Actually Cheating On You. However I cannot guess what is goign through my partners head. Now he and I are back together, and they are still friends, and she talks about the other guys she dates, and I could care less. Do you know deep down that something isnt right with your marriagebut youre scared to face it? my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 years and we just had a baby girl dec 2012. i recenlty found conversations of him talking to other girls on facebook, one being my so called best friend. I did all of those things, and I have sincere regrets. My husband drives a truck. During that same year, I received several text while I was at work from a woman he works with telling me all about their affair. Well we was together for a little over a year and during this time he kept it up with this girl and it had gotten so bad that I told him that he needed to either stop talking to her and flirting or just break up with me instead of leading me on. i wanted to know what someone else thinks of this situation because its driving me crazy. For the last 7 years or so, he has been doing so many things that make me feel like he doesnt care how I feel. I dont want to fight with him. I dont believe the things he says he wants to improve on because its now Aug 2014, almost a year since i found out all the crap that came out over the months of Nov and Dec 2014, he doesnt plan romantic wkends, he doesnt talk to me much and when he does, it feels like excuses for why he doesnt do anything not enough money (which is BS) not enough time, what do i do with the kids, im tired, i work a lot, etc etc. I have been married for almost 3 yrs, been together for 5. 4. For years, your husband has been living a lie. Yet another one. Its so difficult when we suspect a guy of lying about cheatingthe least he can do is be honest about it! They might want to refer you for therapy or even prescribe you with some medication in order to help you through your emotions. SO I CALED HIM AND WE TEXTED AND CALLED EACH OTHER SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. He wont. However, if you can work through that pain and betrayal to keep your marriage working, it only shows how strong you are as a person. Ive learned now, after much pain and suffering that once a cheater, always a cheater. Not fighting doesnt mean you have a healthy marriage. Moreover, he claims to plant false evidence on his own Google account but that it would be surely fake, as a form of retribution. Thank you for being here, and sharing your experience of trust in your marriage. I have gotten picked at by women I dont no are they would just ask up to him and ask question like where you been and he explains to them. Thats emotional cheating, and its wrong. Does he pick fights with you over the little things? I, too, would recommend you run. Hi, I need some adviceI have only been dating my boyfriend for a little over a year and we live together, he is going on 31 and I will be 24 in a month. Were 3 years after the big reveal, on my birthday, as my husband was reading to the boys upstairs. THEY WILL BREAK YOUR HEART ! I also found hed subscribed to a number of online cheating websites for married people..dating back to before he proposed to me. why because i am always praying against his going out at night. Instead, confide in a close family member or friend, as they will be able to help advise you on what you should do in the future. He has just destroyed himself in so many ways. at one point this article claims that 50% of men cheat at least once, and in another it says that watch who are your husbands friends, because 77% of cheating men, have cheating friends), well, if he has 2 friends, than the first line covers that, so theres no big deal here. That assumption of ourselves has been years in the making and our hurt and pain, humiliation and disappointment has hindered our ability to thrive. We are having major problems and are going to separate in the next month or sohave to wait until the lease is up. Another suggestion is to check his phone, and call his last incoming and outgoing numbers. It seems like he texting someone n messages deleted. I feel devastated, angry, hurt and also feel like my life is over. He is off work during the the summer, while I have a 9-5 every day job. Everytime I ask him he puts the blame on me saying if Im accusing him of cheating then I must be cheating. I cant keep inflicting pain upon myself..this is the only thing I know to do right now, and I dont even know if thats right.

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i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it

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i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it

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